Update, intonation and new volume pedal

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Update, intonation and new volume pedal

Postby Rosemary » 06 Oct 2010, 13:04

We finally took the 'new' Strat for its first free service today.

They said the bridge was a bit high and they thought that could be causing some of my intonation problems. Also the strings are 9s so I've asked for 10s and agreed to adjusting the bridge a bit lower (so it's lying a bit flatter - but not completely flat like the Mexican Strat).

My husband suggested I ask about volume pedals while there and they had a Boss FV-50 which wasn't too expensive so we bought that and I've had a brief try at it with the Mexican Strat but realise it'll take a bit of getting used to. I've managed to adjust the trem arm of the Mexican Strat now too and it has a really nice tone - a bit wasted on a learner like me at the moment but I'm sure it would sound fantastic if played by an expert. It's a really nice guitar and secondhand - think it's from 2004 from the serial number.

I also changed the acoustic strings for the 3rd time last night reducing the time taken from about an hour and a half to 45 minutes and only destroying one string and only needing one bandaid (from poking the string into my fingers) so I'm improving there too (although I've somehow dropped another plectrum in it and can't remove it).

Anyway we'll collect the Strat on the weekend and hopefully it will sound better. (If not, I have a lot of work to do on my technique - but I don't have as many problems with intonation on the Mexican Strat so maybe it isn't all user error).

Best wishes

Re: Update, intonation and new volume pedal

Postby Stratpicker » 06 Oct 2010, 14:14

Hi Rosemary
Do be sure that the Tech doesnt flatten the back of the trem block to the board or you will not be able to pull the trem up. Fender recommend about 3mm or so.
9s would have been way too light for what you were trying to play IMO and 10s will be better. I use 11s ( a good compromise for Shads work) but 10s will be fine until YOU feel that you have the finger strength and technique to be able to bend more and so could go up a step in string guage.
The FV50 is a good choice! Have fun and remember its an "EXPRESSION" pedal, not an on/off switch or an accelerator pedal. SQUEEZE the note by using the pedal as if there was a bubble under the pedal treadle. You'll soon get the hang of it.
Who decided that acoustics should have holes in them!!?? Bain of my life is dropping the pleck inside. One technique that works is to jiggle the guitar about until you can see the pleck lying on the backboard. Fold a piece of Cellotape over and stick it on the end of a knitting needle (the BLUNT end!) and go dibblingfor the pleck. BLuetack also works the same way.
Whatever you are doing - have fun.
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Re: Update, intonation and new volume pedal

Postby JimN » 06 Oct 2010, 17:26

Hello, Rosemary,

For best "violining" results with the Boss pedal, my tip is to set the minimum volume pot (the one on the left side of the unit, seen from above and behind) to "2".

Volume pedals used as an effect (as opposed to being used as a volume control) work best with some signal still coming through even when the pedal is backed right off. It's the way the classic DeArmond 602 and 610 operated (that latter being the one you hear on 1960s and early 1970s Shads records).

Hope this helps,

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Re: Update, intonation and new volume pedal

Postby Rosemary » 07 Oct 2010, 08:57

Hi Ian and Jim
Thanks very much for the tips. Having a number to set is a a big help and the bubble analogy is great too. The numbers are really hard to read on the blue control - almost impossible when it's on the floor so this makes life much easier. I'll let you know when I've got it and I'm really looking forward to getting the other Strat back on the weekend too (hopefully) :) As for the plectrum, the last one dropped out by itself eventually so with any luck this one might too. Otherwise I'll try your technique. It's my favourite too - George Dennis 1.0 - a brand that seems hard to find here for some reason. I suppose that opens up another question about which plectrum for 10s but everyone I've asked about plectrums says it's a matter of personal taste and I've already discovered I like the above.
All the best

Re: Update, intonation and new volume pedal

Postby keithmantle » 07 Oct 2010, 11:25

Hi Rosemary, moving up to heavier strings will mean adding at least one trem spring and adjusting the 2 screws/plate that they attach to, this will enable the chrome trem/bridge plate to be at the best height for your style (fender say 1/8"- 2/3mm as Ian said above) If you can get hold of the Haynes Fender Stratocaster manual(try Amazon) its a great book and will help when you start doing your own set-ups etc

Re: Update, intonation and new volume pedal

Postby Rosemary » 07 Oct 2010, 12:03

Thanks for the advice, Keith.
Eventually I'd like to be able to do my own maintenance on the guitars.
They said they'd put 10s on the guitar this time and I know the Mexican Strat has 10s and I have fewer intonation problems with it so I'll see how I go with them first. During the week I mainly practise on the acoustic so am perhaps applying more pressure than needed on the electrics too.

The bridge height the bloke in the shop suggested was probably about 1/8th inch. (We're metric over here by the way but I still think in feet and inches). I had noticed the bridge on my guitar seemed a bit higher than others I'd seen in shops so we'll see what difference that makes too. Actually I posted some photos of the guitars a while back but it probably doesn't show the height very clearly.

Oh.. and I had a quick bash at the volume control again earlier tonight with the settings on 2 as Jim suggested and had more success than yesterday.:)

All the best

Re: Update, intonation and new volume pedal

Postby Stratpicker » 07 Oct 2010, 13:24

Trem springs - now there's another debate. I run 11s on three springs (all in line) and have no problems with intonation or the trem not returning to "neutral". The more you have, the more pressure you need to apply and that MIGHT affect the smoothenss of your playing style as you will be 'fighting' the trem. I've played a MIM with 5 springs on that felt more like a HardTail than a Floater! It didnt feel like a musical instrument than you can Feel how you and it were combining.
Often more springs are added to hide poor technique and stop the trem making the guitar 'off tune' when being played, when really the problem is not the trem itself but the leaning on the bar wot does it! :D One of the handy things about holding the trem the right way AND having a good ear is that you recognise if a note isnt 'clean' and just breath on the trem one way or the other to bring it into pitch. I'm sure HMB does it all the time.
Plecks - My understanding is that Hank uses the Dennis sharp picks at 1.3mm. If you thought 1mm were hard, try those!! LOL!! I have used them for years and they are The Business for Lead but don't try and play Bruce with them - they are way too hard. Bruce uses 0.7mm Dunlop, I believe.
Have fun
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Re: Update, intonation and new volume pedal

Postby Rosemary » 08 Oct 2010, 10:33

Hi Ian
I have actually seen these springs because the other Mexican Strat in the shop where we bought the 2ndhand one had the back missing - so that's a start. :)

I hope I'm holding the trem bar properly but seem to be able to guide it to pitch if it's a bit off as you mentioned - at least in the slower tunes - so that's encouraging.

As for the plectrums I don't use them when practising chords on the acoustic because they sound better without it when I'm using the 1.0 plectrum. It gives a really harsh sound and I'm not really sure how to get around that. My chords aren't very clean yet apart from a couple of easy ones so perhaps that has something to do with it but I wonder if the 10s on the Strats and light acoustic strings (.012 to .053) would hold up to a 1.0 plectrum if struck really hard. Breaking an acoustic string isn't a concern as I can change them but have never changed the Strat strings yet. At least when I get it back. I'll know it has 10s so can stock up and suppose if worst came to worst I'd manage it (with the aid of a YouTube instructional video, perhaps?).

All the best

Re: Update, intonation and new volume pedal

Postby Stratpicker » 08 Oct 2010, 11:32

Hi ROsemary
what make of strings have you gonefor?
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Re: Update, intonation and new volume pedal

Postby Rosemary » 08 Oct 2010, 12:50

Hi Ian
For the acoustic I've been using D'Addario EJ16 Light .012-.053 but also have a packet of Fender 60L lights I haven't tried. For the Strat I originally bought Fender 9s because that's what they said I'd need. Maybe they'll exchange them for 10s?
All the best


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