Site Policy on advertising

Guidance to members

Site Policy on advertising

Postby Admin » 09 Sep 2009, 11:51

At present there is no advertising on this site apart from members advertising things in the marketplace. In due course we may well have discreet and relevant advertising to offset the cost of maintenance.

We are, however, very happy to receive any correspondence from anyone who would like to place an advert on this board. Please contact Site Admin and we will consider each request on its individual merits.

Many Thanks,

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Re: Site Policy on advertising

Postby Admin » 05 Jan 2010, 14:29

The more observant among you may have noticed a little discrete advertising creeping onto the site. This is to help with the cost of maintaining the site and eventually to enhance some of its features.

There were just a couple of rules I devised before adding this advertising and I list them below for the information of the membership:

No advertising will take up any additional space or interfere with the discussions in any way. There was some unused space below the site search and I put just two additions in that space. The first being a link to Google Search and the second to Members are invited to use these links because, to use one of my favourite Hank phrases, "I get paid for it".

I also added a link just below this entitled "Sponsored Links". This page is pure advertising which I shall change from time to time and since viewing it is optional I shall leave it there. Members are also invited to browse this page because, to paraphrase Hank's words, "I also get paid for it".

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