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Vox Bass amp

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2009, 17:57
by jetcross
Many years ago I owned a Vox Foundation Bass - 50w head/18" speaker cab. Not very powerful but great for recording. Our club (E. Yorkshire) has spawned quite a few bands and it is noticeable that the bass rigs never match the AC30's back-line which I feel detracts from the overall look of the bands. I wrote to Vox last month, asking if they plan to re-introduce a bass amp which I think would be recieved warmly by the many Shadows clubs around the world. They kindly wrote back with plenty of brochures but said they were not planning on marketing a bass amp. I shall keep scanning Ebay as I know the old Vox bass amps can sometimes be found.

Re: Vox Bass amp

PostPosted: 20 Oct 2009, 18:20
by Bojan
Why don't you get and old (or new) AC30 and adapt it for bass? That's what the Shadows did.