March report

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March report

Postby des mcneill » 27 Mar 2010, 16:20

N.I.Shadows club March meeting

Hi Folks,
This month we celebrated one year of the club. We had to move from
our regular 1st Sunday of the month and arrived at Mother's day and some
regulars couldn't make it for that reason,so we didn't know what our
attendance would be like. We need not have worried,there was still a
good turnout and a very good day was had by all.

The day started with what is becoming a "house" band,Hall on drums,
Chris on keys,Des on bass and Jim and George swopping lead or rhythm as
required, playing a warm up set of Gonzales,Dance On,Golden Street,
Tonight and Telstar.

Next up was Simon on lead with Eric on rhythm,playing Peacepipe,
Lost City and Foottapper.

Next was young Sam on lead with Mike on rhythm playing Geronimo,
and Apache. Sam stayed to play South of the Border with George playing
rhythm while David,on his debut took over on bass.

The lineup changed again as Jim joined to play rhythm with George now
on lead,still with David on bass,to play FBI and Wonderful Land.

Bernard did a Burns set with Jim on rhythm and Des back on the Burns
Bass.The set was Santa Ana,Deep Purple and Zambesi,the latter in typical
club form being played for the first time without rehearsal.

Philip,on only his second visit to the club,played The Stranger,
Frightened City and Sleepwalk with George on rhythm.

Stanley came next with a set of Guitar Boogie,Mustang,True Love Ways
and Midnight and Jim joined him on rhythm.

Paul,another young player,started with A Blue Day followed by Guitar-
Tango and Wonderful Land with George on rhythm.

John Davis then did a solo spot with his acoustic and sang and played
a couple of his original country-stlye songs,giving everyone a very wel-
come break.

Part two started with John on lead,Jim on rhythm playing Shazam,Walk
Don't Run and Shane.

Eric then played lead on The Breeze and I,The Stranger and Theme For
Young Lovers with George on rhythm.

Jim featured next on lead with Mike on rhythm and played Kon-Tiki,
The Rumble and Blue Star.

Simon and Mike brought out the acoustics and did their popular Lute

We then had Sam on lead,Eric on rhythm playing Atlantis.

Bernard with Jim on rhythm played Man of Mystery.

Philip with George on rhythm played Flingel Bunt.

Paul with Jim on rhythm played Theme for Young Lovers.

John and Jim played Nivram,Des bass ,Hall drums.

Bernard once again played Zambesi at Hall's request.

We played out with Jim and George swopping lead on The boys,
The High and the Mighty and Time is tight,then Sam on Mustang.

An exhausting day,thanks to all who came,next meeting 2nd Sunday April.

des mcneill

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