death of a member, RUSSET

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Re: death of a member, RUSSET

Postby StuartD » 15 Feb 2021, 15:55

Such sad news. RIP Tony

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Re: death of a member, RUSSET

Postby Geoff_W » 15 Feb 2021, 17:10

So sorry to hear this. My sincere condolences to his family. RIP Tony
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Re: death of a member, RUSSET

Postby petercreasey » 15 Feb 2021, 17:36

Last edited by petercreasey on 14 Jul 2021, 00:35, edited 1 time in total.

Re: death of a member, RUSSET

Postby MeBHank » 15 Feb 2021, 17:52

What sad news. My condolences to Tony's family and friends. RIP.
Justin Daish
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Re: death of a member, RUSSET

Postby Stu's Dad » 16 Feb 2021, 00:15

I can't claim to have known Tony very well, but I remember that his posts were always cheerful, especially when he'd found a new fiesta red Strat model released! I hope he's got room for all his guitars up there.

R.I.P. Tony, my prayers are with you,

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Re: death of a member, RUSSET

Postby Stratpack » 19 Feb 2021, 12:08

Sorry to hear the sad news. RIP

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Re: death of a member, RUSSET

Postby abstamaria » 27 Feb 2021, 01:45

shindigman wrote:Hi guys, I am devastated to inform you of the death of my lifelong friend Tony Russel (RUSSET) he died from a heart attack on Sunday 17th January, 2 days after his 75th birthday, he has been my best friend for over 70 years, we played together as kids, went to the same primary and grammar schools, I started to play guitar and taught Tony his first chords, we then learned from each other, both played in bands and later formed a shadows band with Tony's younger brother on bass guitar, we both had a lot of good times, and for the last 5 years we ran the Quarry Bank music club (we only have zoom meetings currently) Tony was a great guy, I have so many good memories, a heartbreaking loss of a dear friend - John

I never met Russet, being so far away, and know him only through this forum. I was saddened by the news. My sincerest condolences to you, John. You must feel his loss very deeply.

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