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Re: Flatwounds....

Postby Iain Purdon » 27 Jan 2013, 22:58

Geoff Alderton LH wrote:I think we should start a new thread on the subject

Given that this thread is about flatwounds in general, you're right Geoff.

As it happens, there has already been a thread devoted to the Jet side-issue and, although there are differing accounts, there is correlation as well as direct evidence from those most closely involved. You can read it here and make up your own mind.

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Postby abstamaria » 12 Feb 2013, 11:36

 I have been misspelling "Thomastik Infelds" till now, so am just correcting the error.

An update on my switch to TI George Benson flatwounds (12-53): I have been playing quite a lot since and marvelling at how close the sound and tone are to the early Shadows pieces. I've had the band over several times and their assessment is the same. I thought my sound with the DAddario roundwounds (12-52) was pretty close, but now I feel like those reviewers in stereo magazines who write glowing reports on a speaker or amp only to find something even more faithful later. Anyway, try them; I am curious whether our perception will be the same. You can always swap back to roundwounds.

Speaking of which, I read that the Rickenbacher 360/12 (the 12 string guitar) sounds best and most "jangly" with flatwounds. We are trying to cover Jackie de Shannon's "Needles & Pins" - I think that's a 12-string there - but our Rickenbacher, now with round wounds, seems more growly than the recording. TI 10-44s flatwounds are recommended for the jangle by those who seem to know more about the Rickenbacher than I do. I will order a set. 

We are also switching our Gretsch Nashville to TI George Benson flatwounds. Flatowunds are probbaly right for that guitar, but please let me know your thoughts. This is very new territory for
me. From no flatwounds a year ago, we are all going to be on flatwounds now! (Anna has always had flatwounds on her "Hank Marvin" PBass and of course on her Hofner violin bass).Kung Hei Fat Choy to all (Chinese New year having just happened in these parts).

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Re: Flatwounds....

Postby Iain Purdon » 12 Feb 2013, 12:10

I find this most interesting for anyone trying to reproduce sounds recorded in the early 60s. It does seem to me that using the same strings must be a factor along with all the other ones!
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Re: Flatwounds....

Postby JimN » 12 Feb 2013, 14:38

I'm not at all sure that The Searchers had discovered the 12-string guitar by the time of "Needles And Pins". I recall early 1964 TV appearances with the song performed live on a Gibson 345 and JMcN's Hofner.
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Needles & Pins

Postby abstamaria » 12 Feb 2013, 15:15

You're right, Jim. The Searchers used two 6 string guitars in unison in their recording, unintentionally (with an echo) getting a 12-string sound. Or so I've read. We're after the original version by Jackie de Shannon, which to my ears used a 12 string. Most comments I've read agree with that conclusion, a 12-string played possibly by ... Glen Campbell.

Listen to it; I like it a lot.

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Re: Flatwounds....

Postby Jay Bass » 12 Feb 2013, 20:40

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Re: Flatwounds....

Postby JimN » 12 Feb 2013, 21:53

I played my Fender Electric XII at a local Beatles jam last night.

It was dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the recording of the ten-track balance of the Beatles' first LP, with only a very few non-Beatles songs played (I think I heard Brown Sugar and Route 66).

I made up part of a scratch band playing You Can't Do That and A Hard Day's Night.

You Can't Do That sounded OK, but the opening chord, solo and coda of A Hard Day's Night stunned the audience with sheer authenticity. Well, I knew it would.

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Re: Needles & Pins

Postby JimN » 12 Feb 2013, 21:58

abstamaria wrote:We're after the original version by Jackie de Shannon, which to my ears used a 12 string. Most comments I've read agree with that conclusion, a 12-string played possibly by ... Glen Campbell.
Listen to it; I like it a lot.

You do know that she didn't write it?

That was Sonny Bono and Jack Nitzche.

I'd never heard her version until today, but whisper it... I prefer the Searchers' recording...


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Re: Flatwounds....

Postby abstamaria » 12 Feb 2013, 23:40

Thanks, Jay! Truly appreciate it. Rickenbackers & Gretschs are foreign to me, although l've had the guitars with me over a decade. A Japanese friend, a collector, owns them.

Yes, l Know, Jim. Jackie de Shannon just recorded it 1st. l grew up with the Searchers' version too & loved it. But Jackie's has a lot of attitude & the arrangement is great, particularly wilh that guitar. It will be fun to do on stage, with a chorus and horns. Anna our bassist will try to sing it. Jackie recorded some of the Bacharach hits, & the Beatles chose her to front when they 1st toured the US.

Sony for the abbreviations. I'm using my phone w handwriting recognition & using my finger to write cursive.


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Postby abstamaria » 17 Feb 2013, 05:58


I have been researching on strings for our Rickenbacker 360/12 and ran into your Pyramid versus Thomastic-Infeld strings in the Rickenbacker forum. I may have both Pyramids and TIs coming, and will probably install the TIs. The 12-string is hard for me to fret, so the low-tension TIs are attractive.

By the way, think of trying the TI George Benson flatwounds on your Stratocaster, If you have another Stratocaster that you can install the Pyramids on, it will be interesting to hear your comparison,


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