BlackStar amps

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BlackStar amps

Postby Pitts » 10 Jun 2010, 08:50


As my journey continues with searching for a suitable valve amplifier for Shadows style music...
The Vox thing just gets more confusing the more I look.

I came across this BlackStar brand based on a UK design, manufacture in Korea (I am told).
They seem to get quite good reviews as far as build quality goes.
They have a direct past link to Marshall due staff shifts, that worries me given the sound I am chasing.
There are a number of models some of which would break the bank, being hand wired (in Asia)..

The Studio HT20 looks good ( modest $$) as does the Artisan 15 (big $$)

However for me the question is how suitable are they for that "good old British sound" (yes I know they claim the IFS control USA - UK thing)
Every damn demo I see on You Tube shows kids slamming the snot out of it (doesn't anyone just play the guitar today ??)

Its really hard to tell if that nice clean UK Shadows tone is in there somwehere.

Anyone used these models ??

Appreciate any comments

Thanks :D :D :D


Re: BlackStar amps

Postby neil2726 » 10 Jun 2010, 09:33

Very true regarding the youtube demo vids - everyone seem distortion mad! I commented some time ago thats its the same everytime you go into a music shop and someones trying out an amp - very rare to hear a "clean" sound these days!
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Re: BlackStar amps

Postby tony parnham » 10 Jun 2010, 11:59

Yes, I tried one at home, the 5 watt combo, I thought it was miles away. Some time ago a guy on Charlies site tried one and he came to the same conclusion quickly.
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Re: BlackStar amps

Postby BrianD » 15 Jun 2010, 06:07

I have two Blackstar amps - an Artisan 30 and an Artisan 15. The 30 is a 30 watt model with two 12" speakers whislt the 15, as you would guess is 15 watts and a single 12. Both have two channels, one "UK Sound" and the other "Fender Sound". Neither amp has any overdrive built in and has excellent clean sounds. For overdriven sounds I use an external Blackstar valve pedal. With my '56 Strat reissue and my Q2 EOTP I am very happy with the Shads sound I get from these amps and woudl be happy to recommend either model.

I did have the little 5 watt unit for a while and agree this was less suited to the Shads sound but wasn't bad in clean mode for playing at home without annoying the neighbours but soon distorted if pushed to any volume - hence the switch to the 15 for practicing.

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Re: BlackStar amps

Postby Pitts » 15 Jun 2010, 08:36

HI guys,

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my query... re Blackstar.

I looked at the little five watt but struggled to see for my music interest that it would do the job.

I then started to look at the Artisan series, these are a work of art and I have yet to see a bad report.
They certainly appeal to the engineer in me.... that didn't appeal that much to the bank manager.

I guess from what I can read they are good value for money when compared to other top end hand made amps.

Then out of the blue one appeared on Trade Me ( a bit like E-Bay here in NZ) so without benefit of ever having played on one I have purcyased it.

It is the Artisan 15 so you have no idea how pleased I am seeing your comments Brian.
Your input is valuable in that you own both of them (15 & 30) and have had your hands on them.
One of the concerns I had was is there enough clean headroom for an old fart like me. It seems today its all about screaming guitars bordering on self destruction.
There were a lot of articles saying its a great distortion amp which is not really what I am after. ( I like little distortion at times)

It is due here in the next few days so here's hoping.

I was quite keen on a Vox but it just seems to be not Vox anymore... just my pint of view.
Then there are those who say it is and its better then those who say its worse..

Anyway I am on for the ride now.. paid the $$

Once again thanks guys..

Ray :D :D


Re: BlackStar amps

Postby Tony » 15 Jun 2010, 12:51

Once you receive it and play through it can you give a run down as to how clean the sound is and whether it meets the needs for that sound. You opinion is valuable..

best regards
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Re: BlackStar amps

Postby BrianD » 15 Jun 2010, 21:37


I have just been playing my Strat through my Q2 and Artisan 15 and whist I grant you I haven't turned it full up - I would get thrown out of the neighbourhood, the sound is spot on - IMHO. The controls on the 15 are very simple - 2 channels each with a high and low gain input, a volume and a tone control. there is no overdrive or Master / Gain control so the amp is clean. I like overdrive for somethings but use one of the excellent Blackstar valve based overdrive pedals to get that effect not the amp.

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Re: BlackStar amps

Postby Tony » 16 Jun 2010, 11:16

Hi Brian, Thanks for your response. may have to travel down to Melbourne and try out a BLACKSTAR Series One 45 Tube Valve Amp Amplifier I keep seeing for sale...
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Re: BlackStar amps

Postby BrianD » 16 Jun 2010, 11:20

No problem, Tony, but that is, of course, a different model and I have no knowledge of it. I can only vouch for the Artisan 15 and 30.


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Re: BlackStar amps

Postby Pitts » 20 Jun 2010, 09:44

Hi again,

Well the Blackstar Artisan 15 has turned up. I am pleased to say it is in excellent condition. :)
Now I have only had it a few days so am not holding this out to be a full and competent review but rather an initial impression.

I saw in another post where the comment was made, that it is like listening to the guitar by holding up your ear to the guitars woodwork.
This is so true.

The first thing that strikes you is it is extremely well built and simple in that it only has a volume control and a tone control for each channel.
There are no "smarts", no DSP, no imitation (it sounds like a 'XX' stuff) this or that there isn't even a treble or bass control. This is "pure" amplifier.
It is worth noting this amplifier here in NZ is not cheap they retail for about $2,700.00 NZ $ so its 'simplicity' is in no way related to its value or performance.

A lot of reviews I read put emphasis on the ex Marshall design engineers that designed this amp. Let me tell you the Artisan 15 model is not a Marshall. It's clean channel (ECC83) is so clean its embarrassing.. :D
It is in no way a dirty amp although to be fair I have not driven it super hard yet. Which by the way would be very very loud.
Channel two uses the EF86 pre amp for that "other" sound.
Output is two EL84's used in push pull (15watt) or class A ( 5watt)
It is fitted with a Celestion G12M Greenback speaker.

Its beauty is in its simplicity.
The amp is so quiet as its sits there its a bit worrying.. doesn't hum, hiss or anything. :shock:

I have a Fender Strat De Luxe (lo noise pups) ... I have been using a fender SS Chorus M80 an oldy (1992) but an OK amp.
After a short play on the Artisan 15 you quickly realise there is a ton of "something" missing on the Fender amp.
The ability of the "15" to reproduce the many tones of the Strat is nothing short of amazing.
Using my Alesis Q20 ... man what sound and trust me I am no top guitarist by any means..

Don't let the two control thing throw you, the design allows for a wide range of sound by the intermixing of the level and the tone control. This probably means a significant learning curve for all the possible permutations. (different volume level = different tone) that's probably why they give you a blank knob setting sheet to copy onto.
You can link the two channels externally with a patch if you want to start the dirty (and other sounds) thing happening.

Although it is very early days, I can say at this time I am most impressed.

So if you are looking at a good clean sound in a hand-wired amp designed by some very smart design people then check out a Blackstar Artisan 15. As pointed out here, remember these comments apply only to the Artisan series of the Blackstar family. There are other series of amps within the brand I have no idea where they would sit. (like the HT and series one designs).

By the way I am not in anyway associated with Blackstar just giving credit where credit's due. (in fact didn't even know they existed until I started this search for a good valve amp)

I'll come back in a few weeks and fill in some detail after I have had time to see what it can do in some detail.
I do think however finally there is a viable alternative to the Vox AC15 and Fender Blues amps but with its own sound as well.

Only time will tell if its going to be popular amongst the Shadows community..

Cheers from downunder..

Ray :D :D :D

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