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Burns Guitars

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2022, 17:50
by BrianD
Hi. Been a long time since I last posted on this forum. Sadly, due to age, finger stiffness and deafness I have pretty well given up playing guitar and sold off almost all my equipment 18 months ago. I recently came across a video of the launch of a new Burns guitar at NAMM 2017. Over the years I owned and played a number of Burns guitars - a Vibra Artist back in the '60s, a Baldwin Marvin and D6 in the '70s along with two different 3pu Black Bisons, a scroll neck white Bison in the '80s, three of Barry Gibson's Legend guitars in the '90s and several of the 2004 series Marvins in the 00s so you might say I do have a soft spot for the brand. However, I have really lost touch with the industry in the last few years and wondered what the state of play is with Burns in 2022. I think Barry retired and sold off the business a few years ago - please correct me if I am wrong. Just curious to know if they are still in business?

Than ks

Re: Burns Guitars

PostPosted: 12 Nov 2022, 18:23
by chris mcbain
Hi Brian,
I bought one of the last few Burns made in January this year a Marquee Chinese, there is supposed to be new models on the horizon as the old Burns Company
has been taken over , Lee Anderton of Andertones Music Store in Guildford is something to do with it but seem to think there is a few more people involved
but not heard anything as to release dates.


Re: Burns Guitars

PostPosted: 13 Nov 2022, 11:38
by BrianD
Thanks Chris. I did see that Anderson's are advertising new Burns guitars but that all are out of stock and there was very little information about them. Brian

Re: Burns Guitars

PostPosted: 18 Nov 2022, 01:03
by JJMMWG DuPree
Roughly a year ago Lee posted a video to say that he and his dad had bought into the Burns syndicate, but that he could say no more for about a year. They're still just selling off the last of the Churns, getting cheaper by second. Maybe someone in the neighbourhood could pop in and remind Lee that his year is up.