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Zoom Edit And Share file naming

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2019, 12:10
by SJB
I was checking my backups for my G3x. For some time I have thought it odd that the saved ".g3xa" file name does not line up with the name one puts in the Edit&Share library.
So simply using windows explorer - one cannot line up the ".g3xa" file name with the library name. Or identify the file contents from the file name.

If you open up the ".g3xa" file using notepad - one finds the Library name embedded in the file.

For Example :- with a file name of "User Area 001.g3xa"

Inside the file we see:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Name>To 28-05-2015 Live</Name>

Now if you change the file name to match the <Name> inside the file - both line up.

I suppose this is most useful when exporting files - to positively identify files to import. Note that the Library allows the same name.

I also note that you can edit in a long name exceeding what Edit&Share allows you to enter i.e.

<Name>To 28-05-2015 Live from last Xmas</Name>
This actually shows up all OK.

If you make the changes in windows explorer - with Edit&Share open - you need to close it and re-open it to see the changes.