
Any topic not covered in any of the specialist forums above


Postby Boon » 29 Apr 2020, 16:43

What a great resource! I was busy typing away in chrome searching for new items to rekindle my love of the band and discovered the site. Really looking forward to digging through all the threads filling in some "stuck in the house" time.
Many thanks to everyone involved in the forum, I'm sure I'll get a lot of entertainment from it.
Very best regards.
Shaun (boon)

Re: Hello

Postby Iain Purdon » 30 Apr 2020, 01:01

I’m sure you will, Shaun. Welcome aboard. Try the search facility near the top right. It’s very useful.

Cheers - Iain
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Re: Hello

Postby abstamaria » 01 May 2020, 00:54

Welcome, Shaun. If your interest is focused on the Shadows, their sound, their gear, you will find the older posts to be very interesting. The best way may be to think of topics that interest you and use the search function. Ther topics are also arranged by subject on the message boards, and there are some that are quite focused.

Current topics tend to cover the needs of a gigging musician playing a wide repertoire of pieces apart from the Shadows, so these may be irrelevant to you, but the old discussions are very focused and provide so much information. I learned almost all I know about the Shadows and how to play their pieces here.


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Re: Hello

Postby David Martin » 01 May 2020, 06:52

Good to have you on board...
David M
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Re: Hello

Postby Boon » 02 May 2020, 00:56

Thanks for the welcome guys, like probably everyone here my first foray into the guitar was thanks to the shadows and my uncle Jim from crewe who would visit us in Scotland every year, on learning of my interest he posted me all of his shadows tapes , a true gent. My mother bought me a second hand zenta tele copy and that was me , hooked. The guitar has paid for everything I own! As it happens last month I found an exact replica of the zenta on ebay, the seller lived half a mile from me? I was hoping to show my sons how difficult it was for me when I first started but its actually a fair player!
Hope your all staying safe.

Re: Hello

Postby Boon » 02 May 2020, 01:17

Don't know if this will work, downsized picture of the zenta
20200430_002301_compress46_resize_57.jpg (98.07 KiB) Viewed 23622 times

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