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Classic Rock magazine #261

PostPosted: 01 Apr 2019, 15:35
by drakula63
The Shadows get a nice little mention in the latest (May 2019) issue of Classic Rock Magazine (With KISS on the front cover).

There's a big feature called 'Game Changers' on the 21 albums that 'changed the way we play guitar'. The albums are listed chronologically and 'The Shadows' is at number 4. The 11-line write up says nothing we don't know already, but it does point out that Hank had the very first Strat imported into the UK, that they were 'instrumental' (sorry!) in the creation of the Vox AC30 and that the Shads were the biggest band in 'Blighty' before the arrival of the Beatles. There's a thumbnail picture of the album cover too.

Good to see that they are not completely forgotten.